At Embrace Marketing, we love helping young people to develop within their careers, inspiring them to achieve their best.

Did you know that the average millennial has already worked as many jobs as those in their fifties have in their entire working life?

The saying ‘A job is for life’ really does seem to be a thing of the past.

It’s also believed that 47% of young people have already completely changed careers since their first job, to seek a better salary, improved work-life balance, or new challenge. As more and more look for new opportunities, here are just some of the ways Embrace loves to encourage their development.

Inspiring school and college students

We recently enjoyed a fantastic day supporting Year 13 students with collaborative team tasks and interviews for The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge at Alderley Park. Alongside Embrace’s Managing Director, Becky Reardon, our Design and Digital Manager, Alex Vann, also took part, photographically capturing the experiences of students and employers.

The aim of the day was to support students, in a safe place, to practice mock assessments, help them become more confident and give them the opportunity to connect with employers. We were really impressed with all the students, as they were super-emphatic and driven. It was a great insight into the positive attributes that young people can bring to businesses!

We also recently took part in an online careers fair where GCSE and A-Level students could ask employers questions about a career in their specific industry. The online chat moved at a rapid pace and it was great answering lots of different questions to help the students.

Sharing first-hand experience with university students

Our MD, Becky, loves sharing her work experiences with students and she was recently invited for a second time to be guest lecturer for final-year Brand Management students at Aston University. Becky ran an interactive session for over 50 students online. She mixed her presentation with questions and tasks to involve everyone, with the students answering using a chat feature.

During the session, Becky shared Embrace’s B2B brand knowledge, demonstrating our collection of RiSE brand models and describing what each entails. This includes how to build brand strategy, identity, awareness, and measurement into a B2B brand journey.

She also shared a case study of a key brand development project we produced for IfM Engage – a knowledge transfer company within the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), at the University of Cambridge. The students asked some brilliant questions towards the end of the session to help them with their final brand management project. It was fantastic taking part and speaking to so many students with a love for branding!

Developing young talent at Embrace

As well as helping young people outside of Embrace, we also love to motivate and inspire our own team.

Alex Vann first started as a marketing apprentice at Embrace, over five years ago, and there’s never been a challenge too big for him, or a new skill he hasn’t been willing to master. His development has led to him recently becoming our Digital and Design Manager.

Last year, Katie Hargreaves joined the team as a Digital Marketing Executive and has progressed quickly in her role. Developing skills in copywriting, project management and digital marketing, she has now advanced to Senior Content Executive, with plans and goals in place to become Content Manager.

The youngest member of our team, Ollie Vann, joined Embrace as a Junior Designer, just over a year ago. Involved in animation and digital projects, he’s making impressive progress! We love watching young people, both in our team and in local communities, grow from strength to strength, developing and progressing in their careers. It’s important to us at Embrace that everyone is provided with the opportunities and insights to lead exciting and fulfilling careers.

If you’re interested in joining the Embrace team, drop us a line as we’re currently recruiting! Email:

This latest thinking article was written by:

Becky Readon
Managing Director